Keeping track of employee time and security is extremely important. Above all, at Jackson & Lane Services, we ensure that your business is as secure and productive as possible. Learn about Jackson & Lane services below and schedule a demo to discover how we can customize exceptional solutions for your business.
Tracking employees can be difficult and time-consuming, but we can automate your time, attendance and payroll systems. This saves you time because the information is automatically imported into your accounting system. Therefore, we make the recording process nearly seamless.
If you've had issues with employee theft or harassment, then adding a camera system or updating your existing system can help protect your business. These systems make it easier to document in-office actions and keep your employees accountable.
Every business has areas that should have secure access, where only authorized employees are allowed. We can help by developing a plan to control access to high-risk areas. Whether it's dangerous machinery or expensive assets, we can help you prevent losses to your business.
Employee ID badges help you control traffic into sensitive areas of your business and provide better security for your company. We can develop an employee ID badge program to help keep your company and employees safe and secure.
We understand that it is essential for the well-being of your business that certain security measures are in place. We have refined our services and perfected them over the past three decades. When you receive any service from us you are receiving over 30 years of experience, technology improvements, and successes. In addition, Jackson & Lane Services does not provide you a service and walk away. We are present for the full consumption process, providing installation, on-site demonstration, team training, and a professional contact available to you for any questions or troubleshooting.